2018 - 2019
Creativity & Wellbeing Support

Social Inclusion, Creativity and Wellbeing for female service users of Emmanuel House, Nottingham.

WOMANuel is a new social inclusion, wellbeing and creative development programme for the female service users of Emmanuel House, and associated services, delivered by Nonsuch - using drama and theatre as the mechanism for developing positive self-expression, boosting creative confidence and engaging with new opportunities.  In parallel to the core creative and drama sessions, participants also experienced tasters of a number of creative wellbeing activities to empower and expand the experiences of the women taking part. Creative sessions began at Emmanuel House and built in confidence throughout the programme to journey through different art forms, activities and explore venues in and around Nottingham City Centre and like all Nonsuch programmes, WOMANuel was designed to produce a participant-led creative tangible outcome that participants can be proud of. The female service users of Emmanuel House have complex and multiple needs and awareness of this was built into the programme to ensure accessibility for all as well as being led by female practitioners. The sessions were open to all female service users of Emmanuel House and through referrals from the Emmanuel House wellbeing team.

Over six-weeks Nonsuch delivered a number of drama-based confidence, trust and wellbeing exercises and conducted visits to local cultural venues including KK’s Tea House and Nottingham Contemporary to engage with new experiences. The group created a collage inspired by their visit to the Linder exhibition at Nottingham Contemporary, which will be on display at Emmanuel House and the activity allowed for mindfulness and open chats. All who participated in the programme developed their skills in creativity, teamwork, communication & drama and taken part in activities to develop confidence building, critical thinking & mindfulness.

"I have loved and enjoyed the whole experience of the Woman's Group. I hope that there will be more of them!"

"Womanuel sought to improve confidence and relationships, reduce isolation and establish some improvements in mental health of participants and on all accounts it went above and beyond the initial aims and objectives of the project."


Project Image Gallery Coming Soon!

Womanuel Evaluation Findings

  • Over the course of the programme, participants mental wellbeing significantly improved 
  • We gathered evidence to support that the four desired outcome measures identified by Emmanuel House were achieved
  • From our sample, the average wellbeing score at the beginning was 45.5 (average) which increased to an average score of 63 (above average) - a 38% increase.
  • If a participant’s score increased by three to eight WEMWBS points during the project, WEMWBS would be demonstrating that mental wellbeing meaningfully improved over the course of the project. Our average participant total score rose by 17.5.
  • 232% increase in those feeling comfortable to take part & share information
  • 100% of participants felt their confidence had improved
  • 100% of participants felt that their general well being improved
  • Participants indicated that they had achieved their own personal goals ranging from: making more friends, having fun, meeting other great women to feeling less isolated.

Our Supporters & Partners
Womanuel was a partnersip between Nonsuch and Emmanuel House Support Centre.
Contact us to find out more about the funders and supporters of this project or to find out how you and your organisation could help us continue our amazing community work.