Script Reading with Nonsuch Studios brings to life the world of plays, the characters and plot, the people who wrote them and the world in which they were written. Through vibrant debate, chat and discussion we bring like-minded individuals together to explore the exciting world of classic and contemporary theatre.
Script Readers look at a range of plays, old and new, asking questions, exploring themes and learning about the social and historical contexts of the drama.
What did the playwright want to express? Were they successful? What style did they use to convey their message? Do they still resonate with us today? The list is endless, but our aim remains the same, to create an open and inclusive space to read a play and voice our thoughts.
You’ll get the chance to read plays, test out scenes and discuss the action in friendly weekly sessions that will chart theatre through the ages, featuring the classic plays you know and the exciting ones you might not!
Each month, Script Readers have a new theme and read plays in that theme, guided by our fantastic facilitator Spencer Mitchell.
The group meet at 10am at the Nottingham Central Library Cafe
Every Thursdays 10.30am – 12.30pm (unless stated otherwise)
Sessions take place at Nottingham Central Library meeting room
Spencer trained as an actor at Bath Spa University before focusing on playwriting. His work has been performed by both community and professional groups, and ranges from touring ‘whodunits’ to Charles Dickens adaptations. A passionate Pantomimist, Spencer has won PAL’s Best Script for two consecutive years.
Thursday 6th March - 10th April