DON'T PANIC! Lincoln participation project - Performers wanted!

Nonsuch Studios Presents:


Commissioned by Lincoln Arts Centre
Student Performance Opportunity

Nonsuch Studios to bring DON’T PANIC! - a larger than life immersive participatory project that explores the industry of panic and the fight to keep in touch with our anxieties and not let them overwhelm us!

Help us build the world of The Bureau of Internal Panic! (The BIP!): “ An organisation born to keep your panic INSIDE! With their wonderful smiling faces, and informative games and surveys - they teach the world how to make sure their panic stays deep, deep, deep inside, that way avoiding all need to panic at all! And maybe you’d even like to join The BIP! yourselves, and avoid those pesky protesters who seem to have a love of talking about their feelings and how best to “cope with your panic.” “

At Nonsuch we believe in creating performances through play and co-creation. We’re looking for students to participate as actors in this project. Together we will be building our immersive participatory world together through workshops, helping devise the performance and characters that will become the show. The performance will feature improvisation, interacting with members of the public, and co-creating the world of DON’T PANIC!

We’re looking for performers to participate in all four workshops and the two day performances in March.

This is a student volunteer opportunity, for students who want hands-on experience of working as a performer, learning about co-creation and immersive theatre.
You will receive a stipend of £120 to cover your costs of taking part, this will cover 3 workshop-rehearsals and two public performances. The stipend does not include the first open audition workshop. We require commitment to all workshops and both performances, so please only put your name forward if you feel you can commit to the whole project.

Want to know more about immersive theatre and co-creation? Join our free workshop!

Our first workshop will be open to all, and work as an informal audition for the project. This workshop will teach you fundamental basics of creating immersive characters in a participatory production, with the other workshops will then develop the story and characters and along with script work, culminating in the final project. From the workshop we will select participants to be a part of the performance and let actors know by the next day.

Key Dates/ Information

Open workshop - Immersive Worlds Workshop: 28th February, 6:30 - 8:30

Workshop 2 - Creating Stories in Immersive Theatre: 5th March, 6:30 - 8:30

Workshop 3 - Developing Character and Response: 13th March, 6:30 - 8:30

Workshop 4 - Final Workshop: 15th March, 6:30 - 8:30

Location of these workshops will be at LAC

Don’t Panic Performances: 20th March + 21st March 11:00 - 15:00

Location: University of Lincoln Library Square and Lincoln Arts Centre

Fee: £120 stipend for entire project

To book your place in the workshop, please email us just your name and student ID number. To sign up for the opportunity to perform, you can sign up after the workshop.

Please email us at to book your spot, or if you have any questions about this opportunity.